The first day you are supposed to introduce yourself.
Hi! I am Alison! I am 25 years old and married to Joe. We have been married for over two years. I am a Registered Nurse and Joe recently became a Youth Pastor again. We just moved to Virginia and the first time we have ever lived outside of Indiana.
15 Interesting Facts
- My hair is wavy and not a cute wave either. If I wear my hair down I straighten it. Interestingly, it doesn't hold a curl either. I am also a natural redhead.
- I have been to Russia and Italy and want to see more of the world.
- We have now lived in three houses since we have been married and since the house we are renting is for sale, we know we will be moving again.
- I love popcorn, especially movie theater popcorn. I even worked in a movie theater for 2 years and would eat it on my breaks and could still not get enough.
- I am 5'3 and Joe is about 6'2. But I really enjoy my height. I never wanted to be taller. The only frustrating thing is I am too tall for petite and too short for regular!
- I really do not like preying mantises. I had a nightmare about them and ever since I get scared of them. Yuck.
- Makeup does not stay on my face and I am way too lazy to reapply frequently.
- I pride myself on being independent but getting married I realized that I NEED Joe a lot more than I thought I would. When the movers came to load our stuff Joe was speaking at a conference and things kept going wrong and I was freaking out and pretty much told Joe he needed to get his tail home!
- Joe and I are Southern Baptist.
- I am a fan of reality TV--The Biggest Loser, Survivor, Apprentice, Project Runway, Top Chef.
- I like sleep a little too much.
- I don't answer my phone if I don't know who it is.
- My favorite colors are blues and greens
- I use the same purse for months and then get a new purse. No changing purses daily for me.
- I have never eaten sushi.

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