- I am now a youth pastor's wife. For those of you tracking, I was a youth pastor's wife (for 3 months), a senior pastor's wife and now again a youth pastor's wife. And yet I haven't figured out either of these things.
- I LOVE Target. When we were looking at churches, an important question was where is the nearest Target? Back in Indiana, the nearest Target was 30 minutes away but it was in the city I worked. So many lunch hours were spent in Target. Our church here in Virginia graciously had a 'pounding' for us and we received many giftcards to Target. Joe wondered if secretly put it out there my love for Target.
- We have 2 or 3 dogs, depending on how you look at it. We have 2 Cocker Spaniels here and Daisy our lab is in Indiana at Joe's brother's house until we get more settled. We are renting a house that is currently for sale (it's confusing) so we decided to not bring the whole clan. That also means we found a new home for Levi our kitty. We miss them but know its best. I will go on record that I love animals. I am a pet owner who calls myself Mom and yes they sleep in my bed....every night.
- I have a love/hate thing with cooking. I really enjoy finding/trying new recipes. Hate the cleanup. Hate a stuffed fridge. I sometimes picture myself as this 'foodie' and then I realize that I am nowhere near but we can dream
- I really enjoy music. I started learning the piano when I was 7 and took lessons for 7 years. But I don't like to play in public. Since getting married and having my own piano, I have been playing more regularly and am becoming let's say decent. I also enjoy singing but get terrified to do it in public. Funny story. When we came for our trial weekend here, I was asked to sing for the service. For the first service, I was singing during the offertory which is the last part of the service which happened to be the very last thing before they voted on us. I totally felt like it was American Idol!
- I have always enjoyed photography. I bought a Nikon D40
off of ebay a couple of years ago and have been messing around ever since. We'll say it's a hobby. I have a trial verson of Adobe Photoshop Elements 8
and have been finding really neat free actions on the web to spiffy some pictures.
- I really want a colorful family. I decided probably back in high school that I really wanted to adopt children. I would tear up when I would families with Asian children. I was thrilled when it was something that Joe was passionate about also. If you have been following me here, Joe and I have had two early miscarriages in the past year. We don't know what God has in store for us in regards to children. Regardless, my heart is burdened with those who are motherless.
- I really enjoy reading. There are 2 1/2 bookcases in our office here full of our books. Love looking at Amazon. I really enjoy reading fiction. One of my favorite authors for awhile is Robin jones Gunn
. I love that they are quick reads but still edifying.
- I enjoy looking at crafty blogs...knitting, sewing, designing. You name it. And then I imagine that maybe one day I would accomplish this...one day
- Oh....and I got a job! Starting 10/25 I will start orientation to be a Labor and Delivery Nurse. That's right. This is what I had planned for probably the last four years and finally getting into it. When I had my interview I was thinking about this probably the nurse that a mom will always remember. To be a part of someone's birth story is nothing short of amazing and so excited with what God has blessed us with.

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Have you read Robin Jones Gunn's Christy Miller/Sierra Jensen series? They are youth reads, but soooo amazing. I like to reread the series (which has over twenty books in all) once a year, but I left them all back in New York when I moved and I have so many other books that I haven't read yet sitting in my bookshelf. And then Gunn decided to make another spinoff of the series with Christy's best friend Katie. I can't keep up with books anymore.
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