February 9, 2009

Practicing Hosptality: Chapter 1

Lindsey at Passionate Homemaking is doing on-line study on the book Practicing Hospitality by Pat Ennis & Lisa Tat­lock. I bought this book previously but never read it so I thought now was a good time to open it up. If you don't have this book, make sure to check it out!

The first chapter helps us spiritually prepare to be biblically hospitable. They offer a word guide to help us check our hearts and motives.

A Person of Christian Character Who Practices Hospitality Is:

H - Humble
O - Obedient
S - Sincere
P - Prayerful
I - Interested in Integrity
T - Trustworthy
A - Adopted into God's Family
L - Led by the Spirit
I - Instrumental in Producing Righteousness
T - Thankful
Y - Yielded

With my husband being a Pastor, hospitality is something I need to show and get better at. I know how to prepare food and set a table but how to offer the biblical principles of hospitality is something I need to study more.

Lindsey offers 2 questions for discussion.

1. What char­ac­ter qual­i­ties do you believe are the most impor­tant to cul­ti­vate in prepar­ing to prac­tice hospitality?
I open my house once a week to teenage girls in my Bible study and the purpose is to produce righteousness there, but I know that in other instances, I can be more purposeful in producing righteousness to all those who enter my home.

2. Which of these are you lack­ing and how can you begin cul­ti­vat­ing it more purposefully?
I think I need to be more sincere when we have unexpected guests or when girls come early to my study. My emotions are all over my face and when I am unprepared, I am sure I am not the most sincere in my attitude.

Don't forget to get the book and join the study!

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rachel said...

Hey Allison, I'm so glad you found me on the Married to Ministry blogroll...thanks for stopping by! I love your blog design!!

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