BUT I thought I needed to blog about Amelia's Second Birthday Party (that was in November!) We had lots of fun and had some little friends from church come over for our little extravaganza!
I pinned and pinned to my little heart to get ideas for her party. I should be a professional pinner! (You can check my Pinterest board for ideas)Now I just needed the time to actually do it!
I designed her invitation on Photoshop and I loved it! I thought it was a great way to set off the party. I listed it on My Etsy Shop and have actually received a few orders on it!
One of my favorite projects where the Letter Characters! I bought the paper mache letters from Hobby Lobby and painted them with craft paint and went to town with construction paper and glue. Amelia loved them! I tested her with each one to see if she could name the character and she could so I figured I didn't half bad!
Here is her Balloon Wreath (it's now hanging on her bedroom door).
I didn't get a good picture but I painted Elmo and Cookie Monster on cardboard and they were hanging out at the party to greet the guests!
I made character Pom Poms (because what is a party without pom poms!) I made Elmo, Oscar, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grove, Abby, and Big Bird! It's hard to get a good picture of them because they were constantly twirling.
One of my favorite projects was the Sesame Street Lamp Post because what is Sesame Street light? I used this tutorial. It hangs out in our bonus room now.
We found this lamp posts in storage at church and thought they set off the scene perfectly.
Our happy little family before we sang Happy Birthday!
Amelia loved the party!!

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