Amelia wakes up at 4:00 for the first time to eat. She goes back to sleep pretty quickly after I nurse her and change her diaper.
She wakes up again around 7 and we nurse in bed. She seems pretty awake so I lay her in bed with us. She falls asleep again around 8ish and wakes up at 10 when Cooper wakes her. We are up for the day.
I nurse her, change her clothes, and get her ready for the day. I let her play with Daddy for a little bit and I start picking up our bedroom. We decided that today was the day to get the garage in order. Confession time: our garage has been chaos since we moved in in June. He makes several trips to the dumpster, and we finally get the garage to where we both can park! Impressive, right?
I decided that today I was going to try to do all the laundry. Amelia helps me fold clothes in the guest room. Then she starts getting fussy so I nursed her a little and got her to nap. She napped in our bedroom from 11:30-1.
She wakes up and we nurse, change diaper, etc. Then we read some books. I started reading her Story Bible and we got through the Old Testament stories. If only I could read the Bible that fast. We did some tummy time which is like 5 minute max before she's over it. Joe got her asleep again around 2:15 but she only slept until 3. During her nap I get dinner (Three Cheese Penne Pasta Bake) ready for tomorrow so Joe can pop it in the oven tomorrow before I get home from work.
She is pretty fussy in the afternoon so Joe and I trade her off while then start getting dinner ready for tonight. I made Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole, Twice Baked Red Potatoes (I got the recipe pinned on Pinterest), and Green Beans. I nurse while Joe eats and then we trade. We decide to do her bath early tonight.
She gets her bath at 6:15 and is pretty fussy during. I calm her down and Joe runs to the store to get gas drops since Annie decided to eat all of her gas drops this weekend. There are some interesting colors in her stool outside. She falls asleep when I am rocking her upstairs.
I nurse again at 7:45 and get her in her sleep sack. Joe takes over while I shower. She layed in rock and sleep for a little bit and finally fell asleep a little before 9. As I am typing this, she is snoring next to me. So cute!
My observations from the day: we nursed like every 2 hours which she normally doesn't do. Joe has been sick so hopefully my immunities will help. She has been more fussy the past couple of days and hopefully now that we have mylicon again, she will be happier. And I have my fifth load of laundry in the washing machine right now. I didn't even finish our towels or our sheets. Luckily most of it was Joe's and he folds and puts his own laundry away.
So there you have it, a day in our life. We managed to get the garage parkable, laundry done, bedroom picked up, two meals cooked and snuggles and playing with our baby girl.
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Hey Alison! I love your blog! I can't wait to explore a little more! I can't find your email on you mind emailing me when you get a chance! MeganTree84{at}gmail{dot}com
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