October 15, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge

I found this 30 day blog challenge here and decided it was time to jump on board.

The first day you are supposed to introduce yourself.

Hi! I am Alison! I am 25 years old and married to Joe.  We have been married for over two years. I am a Registered Nurse and Joe recently became a Youth Pastor again. We just moved to Virginia and the first time we have ever lived outside of Indiana.

15 Interesting Facts
  1. My hair is wavy and not a cute wave either. If I wear my hair down I straighten it. Interestingly, it doesn't hold a curl either. I am also a natural redhead.
  2. I have been to Russia and Italy and want to see more of the world.
  3. We have now lived in three houses since we have been married and since the house we are renting is for sale, we know we will be moving again.
  4. I love popcorn, especially movie theater popcorn. I even worked in a movie theater for 2 years and would eat it on my breaks and could still not get enough.
  5. I am 5'3 and Joe is about 6'2. But I really enjoy my height. I never wanted to be taller. The only frustrating thing is I am too tall for petite and too short for regular!
  6. I really do not like preying mantises. I had a nightmare about them and ever since I get scared of them. Yuck.
  7. Makeup does not stay on my face and I am way too lazy to reapply frequently.
  8. I pride myself on being independent but getting married I realized that I NEED Joe a lot more than I thought I would. When the movers came to load our stuff Joe was speaking at a conference and things kept going wrong and I was freaking out and pretty much told Joe he needed to get his tail home!
  9. Joe and I are Southern Baptist.
  10. I am a fan of reality TV--The Biggest Loser, Survivor, Apprentice, Project Runway, Top Chef.
  11. I like sleep a little too much.
  12. I don't answer my phone if I don't know who it is.
  13. My favorite colors are blues and greens
  14. I use the same purse for months and then get a new purse. No changing purses daily for me.
  15. I have never eaten sushi.

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